Together Forever

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

One Bright Shining Hope

So I've mentioned this book before. I've even quoted it a couple times. But, I'm going to talk about it and what it's about a little bit more. Because it's an awesome, inspired book. And, every time I read it, it brings the Spirit so powerfully, always at the exact time I need it. For example: my Grandma Taylor gave me this book for my birthday two or three years back. It taught me great things I will never forget. And I used it all the time. I used it for talks or any other opportunity I could. But, just as anything in my room, it got kind of lost. I knew where it was. On my bookshelf. But I hardly ever go near my bookshelf, unless I have a book crisis and need something to read. But, a week or so ago, I was looking for my seminary journal. Which I still haven't found, and that makes me incredibly sad. Anyways, I was looking every where in my room, and I ended up coming across this wonderful book. So I read it. And what did I feel? The spirit. Overwhelmingly, I felt the Spirit. You see, I was feeling a little...spiritually dry. I was reading my scriptures everyday, but I guess I haven't mastered the art of scripture study, because I still wasn't feeling anything like I did every day in seminary. So I was dry. And had no clue what to do. But this marvelous book came along, bringing me the spirit just as strong as any day in seminary.

Now let me explain to you why I love this book so much. 1. It's written by Gordon B. Hinckley. I love that man. A lot. He was so amazing. And this book just made me love him even more. 2. I don't know if you can read it, but above Pres. Hinckley's name, it says "Messages for women." BAM. For US! Well, if you happen to be female. Sorry boys. But, I think this is so special. Some people give members of the LDS church a hard time, because women are taught that we should be stay-at-home moms, be homemakers, let the husband preside. This book is written for us, and tells us that, while, yes, that is our role, it is so much more than that. We make a difference. We can create change. The very first page of the book, the very first quote, says:

"It is so tremendously important that the women of the Church stand strong and immovable for that which is correct and proper under the plan of the Lord. They must begin in their own homes. They can teach it in their classes. They can voice it in their communities. They must be the teachers and the guardians of their daughters. When you save a girl, you save generations. I see this as the one bright shining hope in a world that is marching toward moral self-destruction."

Do you know how awesome that is?! Like really, it gets me so excited, so happy! We are part of the one bright shining hope! We have such an important role in this life. We are the ones who are the stay-at-home moms. So we end up doing a lot of the teaching. We end up playing a huge role in our children's lives. This book teaches the mothers and leaders just how important their job is. They can save, literally, generations, by reaching out to one girl. It teaches the young women who they should striving to be like. Do you think that if you aren't standing "strong and immovable for that which is correct and proper" now, that you're magically going to be able to do it when you're older, when you're married and have kids? It doesn't work that way. I know multiple people who have learned this. I've learned it. If I'm having this hard of a time feeling the spirit every day because I don't have seminary, am I going to be able to bring the spirit into my home when I'm a mother and need to have that atmosphere for my kids? Chances are, probably not. So I need to figure out a way now to feel the spirit and have it teach and testify me every day, so it will be a natural thing to do when I'm off on my own or married.

So, moral of the story: Ya'll should read this book. Female or not. It will teach you wonderful things. You will learn of your self-worth and of your importance. Because each and every person matters. And: Women are the bomb. We help raise the rising generation, mothers or not. Because really, how many guys are asked to babysit? So, if you're not a mother now, you can still make a difference in the lives of the little children around. Heck, you can make a difference in the lives of your friend around you. It's not just the kids who are important. Keep that in mind in your classes at church. Even the quietest Beehive is important and needs a friend. I love you all. Keep in mind who you are. You are part of the one bright shining hope of this life. Even you too, boys. You can make just as much as a difference. Stay steadfast. Keep the faith. And remember who you are.

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