Together Forever

Thursday, April 1, 2010


So General Conference starts on Saturday. And then Sunday is Easter and the last day of Conference. Because of these things, I've been trying to prepare myself so that I will get the most out of Conference and that I will draw closer to Christ this Easter season. My goal is to focus on Christ during Conference. Because I want my relationship to be the best possible with Him, and so I want that to be the outcome of this Conference, I think. My goal is also to not fall asleep. At least try not to. I definitely slept through the majority of the October Conference. But last Saturday was the Young Women's broadcast, and I feel it was a great start for me. I was so focused on the speakers, well, for the most part at least. And I loved it. I enjoyed it like I've never enjoyed a broadcast. The point of me sharing all this is to encourage you guys to prepare yourselves for Conference. It truly is a great thing. We have the opportunity to listen to the leaders of this church. Leaders who are inspired of God and who have planned their talks with the guidance of the spirit, so that you can learn and hear what you need to. You personally. I promise that if you listen and watch with a good and willing attitude, you will hear something or the spirit will teach you something that you need. The something that you need most. And these talks will help you in the future, also. I know the speakers are called of God and will speak inspired words. Prepare yourself. You never know the importance of the next talk. I'll do my best to pay attention, to not fall asleep, and to take notes. I challenge you to do the same. Keep the spirit close to you at this time, and keep in mine how special it is to have Conference during the Easter season. I promise that you will grow closer to your Heavenly Father and to Christ if you strive to listen diligently to these upcoming sessions of Conference. Be ready!

1 comment:

Holly said...

you're a rock.
keep it up, girl.
love you.