Together Forever

Sunday, April 11, 2010


What is integrity? It's something I've been thinking about for awhile. Which makes sense, seeing as this is for my integrity project. According to the ancient Webster's Dictionary at my house it is (I'm giving all 3 definitions, because I think they're pretty awesome): 1. an unimpaired condition, syn: Soundness. 2. firm adherence to a code of esp. moral or artistic values, syn: incorruptibility. 3. the quality or state of being complete or undivided, syn: completeness.

I really like these definitions. Because when most people think integrity, they think of being honest. They think it is being completely honest and true. Which it it. But it is so much more than that. It's soundness, incorruptibility, and completeness. It's being steady and firm in what you believe to be true and never backing down. The moment you back down, you begin to lose your integrity. And it can be very hard to regain. In the scriptures, when the word integrity is being used, it is used with the word heart. "Integrity of the heart." And that's where the 3rd definition comes in. To have integrity, our heart needs to be in the right place. It has to be more than just going through the actions. It needs to be truly and completely believing, and living and setting standards based on that belief. Your heart needs to be completely enveloped in that belief, set on that belief. Creating that completeness.

In my very first post, I mentioned how I wanted to, at least once a month, share about someone in my life that I see has integrity. I've thought about it a lot. I didn't want to do a leader or a family member . It's not that they don't have integrity. It's just that I want to point out what the youth is doing right. Specifically the young women. So I decided to share about someone in my seminary class. I don't know how many of you know her. Mostly just because I'm pretty sure that basically the only people who read this are family or my leaders. Except for like two people. But who knows. Whatever. Anyway, I doubt she's reading this. And she has no clue that I'm doing this. And if by some chance she is reading this, she'll probably be embarrassed. Which is good. It just means she's humble. :) Anyways, she's Alyssa Hundley.

I thought I'd add the picture, since I don't think many of you know her. And it also makes the post a little less boring. So, Alyssa. She's a sophomore in my seminary class. And, basically, she's amazing. One thing that I admire about her is how hard she tries. And I think that's part of integrity. She doesn't just settle with what she's doing now. No, she strives to do better, to understand more, to become a better person. She really is an example to me in that way. A little while ago, she asked me how she could improve her scripture study. She was reading everyday, but not really a whole lot, or really getting much out of it. So she wanted to do better. This impressed me, because most people are like, "oh I'm reading my scriptures everyday. I'm good." In fact, I was like that. It was a humbling experience. She always asks questions. She wants to learn more. I have never seen her or heard of her lowering her standards. She stands for what she believes. And everything she does is because of her faith. She doesn't go through the motions, but believes in what she does. It doesn't matter that she's younger than me. I admire Alyssa a lot, and she's a great example of integrity to me.

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