Together Forever

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Songs of the heart

So, I decided to write another poem. I like to think I'm decent at poetry. And people seemed to like the other poem. I'm not sure whether to think it's good or bad, so I'll let you be the judge. Just don't tell me if you think it's bad. :) It's about music, which, in case you couldn't tell, is one of my greatest passions, and something I feel very strongly about. I've also kind of been obsessing about it lately. So, here is goes!

When words seem to fail
And the tongue can't confess,
I turn to my heart
And let the spirit express.

Maybe the notes aren't
So crystal and clear
And the melody's broken
But there's nothing to fear.

For the Lord always sees
The songs of the heart.
The ones that express
What words can't impart.

This music, it shares
The spirit, and more.
It shares His great light
That some can't seem to ignore.

The Lord always loves
What you can or can't sing,
Just as long as the song
With the spirit does ring.

You may not sing well,
Or play a song like some do
But for the song of the heart
The Lord looks in you.

For the heart that is pure
And the heart that is true
Is the heart that will bring
The greatest song into view.

The Lord loves that song
More than the loveliest voice.
He loves that song more
That the music most choice.

He loves that song more
Than the best solos or bands
For the song of the heart,
The truth, it commands.

Music's my life,
Music's my soul.
It slowly brings me
To my Savior and Lord.
He hears every word that
My mouth cannot say,
Through that song in my heart,
And in my heart,
It shall stay!

I guess the point of this, is just to share how important music is to me. It's not because I'm the most fabulous singer/piano player in the world. Because I'm not. It's because I know that Heavenly Father loves music. It's important to Him! That's why there's hymns, musical instruments, and musical talents. That's why Satan has taken music and corrupted it, because he takes every good thing and makes a bad counterfeit of it.

I'm of the opinion that, in church, whether you're tone deaf or not. Whether you don't think you sing well or not, you should be singing. Because those hymns are for the Lord and to invite the spirit. Today in sacrament meeting, I had a solo in the song that was sung by the choir. I received plenty of compliments, but not the kind I wanted. (Whoops, I hope that didn't sound self-centered...) In fact, the only time I did, it wasn't even technically a compliment. I was teasing my mom and asked her if I made her cry, and she said, "No. The spirit did." And that's what I wanted. Not to make everyone cry. But to sing with the spirit. Because that's the song the Lord loves most. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, sing! Because Heavenly Father doesn't care how well you sing. In fact, I have heard a hymn sung beautifully, but not with the spirit. And it was just empty. And I have felt the spirit when someone was singing not so well. The Lord loves every song we sing to and for Him.

Good music is of God and is very pleasing to Him. Don't disregard that for a moment. Sing the hymns. They're amazing. Listen to good music. And love the Lord. Because ultimately, that's what it's all about!


Anonymous said...

my dear beth. i needed this. i've been thinking about the role of music in my life and how i need it to reflect the saviour more. thank you for the example you are!

Holly said...

Beth this post was awesome. It definitely made me cry, and i'm not a crier haha! but I loved it. Seriously, every time i read your blog, the spirit speaks to me so strong. It is amazing. Thanks for everything you do.

Dani said...

thank you guys for actually reading my blog. and I'm glad you guys like it.

Brandon Randall said...

Beth, I just read this, and first of all...that poem is beautiful. I'M almost crying...which is strange, but it makes sense. And I love what you said about music. It always makes me sad when people don't sing in church, because they're missing out on an opportunity to praise God. (On the flip side, I always have to remember to keep my 'music critic' side at bay whenever someone's singing wildly off-key at church, and just remember that they're bringing the Spirit in too, even if their voice may not be the best. :) ) Anyways, I just loved this post. You are terrific! :)