Together Forever

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cry unto the Lord - mumbling doesn't work too well

This week, I've been working on my prayers. For the past couple of years, I've pretty much been in the habit of saying my morning and evening prayers. No big deal. The thing is, a lot of times, the prayers I give aren't the most...focused. In the morning, I roll out of bed - literally - and say my prayers. I'm a little groggy and they usually end up being like 30 seconds because my brain is still slightly asleep. Then, at night, I'm super tired. I say my prayers, but have the time my mind wanders like crazy to random things. After a few minutes, I give up and end the prayer, not really sure what I just prayed for. So, I decided it was definitely time for a change. And, even in the past few days, my prayers have gotten a lot better. My morning prayers still need a wee bit more work, but my evening prayers have improved so much.

The reason for this change was my scripture study this week. Prayer ended up turning up quite a bit. I was reading in the beginning of Ether either Tuesday or Wednesday. The story of Jared and his brother and their families is one of my favorites concerning prayer. In Ether 1:34-39 the phrase "cry unto the Lord" is repeated 6 times. I love that phrase, because when I picture crying to the Lord, I don't picture just some half-hearted prayer. I picture completely focused, down on your knees, speaking to the Lord. It's like a plea. Or shouts of gratitude. Now, I'm not picturing like literal tears or actual shouting. But, think about it, if that's your attitude, then you will be completely focused in that prayer. You will be completely devoted to it. My prayers, they've been sort of like mumbles. Mumbles are pretty hard to understand.

One of the amazing things about prayer, is that you're talking to God. Really, you're talking to God. How great is that?! If God was in front of you, face to face, you wouldn't be speaking half-heartily to Him, would you? Well, make it the same thing. In my scriptures near the beginning of Ether, where I was reading, I have a quote written from seminary. And I love it lots.

"Prayer builds relationships with Heavenly Father for the next life."

When I read it, I was like "Oh, which general authority said that?" Then I looked closer, because I couldn't see the name. It said Alyssa Hundley 5/7/10. I think made me love the quote even more. There is such truth in that quote. Have you ever seen a friend that you hadn't seen in years, and it was kinda awkward. That happened to me. There was this one kid who was one of my best friends through elementary school. (Apparently I was his girlfriend in kindergarten. I don't know if that's true, because I don't really remember it. But it makes me feel like a rebel.) He ended up moving, so after 6th grade, I never saw. Then, one time at the Easter Pageant, I saw him...and it was awkward, because we hadn't talked in forever. Since 6th grade. I don't want that to happen when the time comes for me to meet Heavenly Father. We've met before. We had a pretty good relationship. But after so many years of not seeing Him, if my communication with Him is not what it needs to me, it will most definitely be an awkward meeting. I won't know Him that well. I don't want that to happen. I want to be able to run to Him, give Him a big hug, and act like we've never been apart. But that will only be possible if my prayers to Him are what they need to be.

I feel like - and I hope - that I'm on the right track with my prayers, now. They have become more focused, and I plan on making them more so. They're not so mumbly anymore. I feel more comfortable with my prayers. I feel like they have more power, because of the focus and the dedication.

Prayer is an amazing thing. It can make your life so much better. I know it! I definitely experienced it today. I was kind of having a crappy day, and was in a crappy mood, but I said a prayer and it all became better. There is great power in an honest, sincere, and heart-felt prayer. Heavenly Father will listen to you, no matter what. He will answer you. It may take a little time for that answer to come or for you to recognize it, but the answer will come. The power of prayer is a very real thing. I believe it, I know it, I've experienced. It's one of the greatest things ever that many people take for granted. That I took for granted. So, pray like you were face to face with God. Pray so that when you meet Him again, it will be a sweet reunion. So that when you look into His eyes, He will say, "Hey, I know you. Thanks for talking to me so often."

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