Together Forever

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"A Time to Prepare"

There are so many different things we can choose to feel. This may sound kind of cheesy, but last night I was watching "Monk" with my family, and on one of the episodes, they said "Happiness is a choice." Its so true!!! It doesnt matter what happens to us, whether its good or bad, its our choice to be happy, and in my opinion, that is probably the best choice we can make every single day. Im not saying it is easy, but it is definitely important and will make life that much more enjoyable. We should also be using our time wisely. Elder Ian S. Ardern of the Quorum of the Seventy said,"With the demands made of us, we must learn to prioritize our choices to match our goals or risk being exposed to the winds of procrastination and being blown from one time-wasting activity to another. We are well taught about priorities by the Master Teacher when He declared in His Sermon on the Mount, 'Wherefore, seek not the things of this world but seek ye first to build up the kingdom of God, and to establish his righteousness'” We must be diligently seeking out opportnities to do good, so we can be "prepared to meet God" at the last day.

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