Often times, when you say happy to my almost 20 month old nephew, he gets a big grin on his face and will repeat "Happy! Happy! Happy!" over and over again. Even if he's crying, he'll stop mid-cry, say happy, and then start crying again. I know that I've done multiple posts on being happy and seeing the good and positive things in your life. But I'm doing another one anyway. I think it's something we can always learn more and hear more, or read in this case, about. You can never be too happy, and there could always be more happy people in the world.
So, what prompted this happy post? Yesterday, as I was reading in my scriptures, I came across a verse that made me step back and think. It's 1 Nephi 16:20.
"And it came to pass that Laman and Lemuel and the sons of Ishmael did begin to murmur exceedingly...yea, and they were all exceedingly sorrowful, even that they did murmur against the Lord."
It was the sorrowful part that made me pause. I thought back to my experience and challenge with trying to be happy that happened at around Thanksgiving time. I've actually talked about it few times - I don't think on the blog - because it's when I started to make the decision to be happy, no matter what.The reason why it made me think about it, was the murmuring part. I remember complaining and venting about what was going on to some of my friends. I never went into specifics, of course. I just complained about how awful it was that this stuff was going on, and how upset and sad I was and blah blah blah. I was murmuring. What was going on was a trial. And I let myself become sorrowful because of it. I often describe it as the first time I had to fight to put a smile on my face. It's something that probably shouldn't have happened. I shouldn't have let that trial get me down. There shouldn't have been any need for me to murmur about it. I should have been like Nephi was in this chapter. Nephi took whatever came his way, and just went with the flow he was like "oh. I broke my awesome cool bow. Oh well. I'll just make a new one while everyone else complains." He took his trials in stride, and this way was able to overcome them. He didn't just sit back and pout.
Now, sometimes we have no control over certain situations. But we have control over our happiness. Happiness is all a choice. What choice might that be? Well, let me share with you something that the great King Benjamin once said.
"Consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a neverending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true" Mosiah 2:41.
Choose the right. Therein lies your happiness. Super simple right? It's something we've been learning since we were itty bitty Sunbeams. Choose to keep the commandments. BAM! You get your happiness and your blessings. Plus, you know, eternal happiness. Pretty awesome, right? Well, I know that there are times that you just get blue. You feel like you aren't doing enough, that things just aren't going good, or whatever it may be. That's going to happen. But put a smile on your face anyway. Because if you've been doing what's right, you'll find something to be happy about.
I want to share a scripture with you all that a friend shared with me. It's meant a lot to me, and I often will read it when I'm a little down or need a little encouragement. It's a wonderful scripture. It's one of those replace-this-person's-name-with-your-own verses. I want you to do that as you read it. And if you'll forgive me for seeming a bit concieted, I'm going to use my name here, instead of Alma's name.
"Blessed art thou, Beth; therefore, life up thy head and rejoice, for thou hast great cause to rejoice; for thou hast been faithful in keeping the commandments of God" Alma 8:15
This has become a very precious verse to me. It shows how, if I'm doing the right thing, then I have all the reason in the world to be happy! So, if you're doing the right thing, and you're a bit blue, just remember that you have great cause to be happy. Like I've said before, you can always find something to smile about. If you can't think of anything, just think of how the Lord is pleased with you. Think of all the many blessings he has in store for you for being righteous. Be happy! You won't ever regret putting a smile on your face.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Change is good. Or at least that's what I keep trying to convince myself.
In and hour and eleven minutes, I'll be seventeen years old. Actually, there's a good chance I'll be seventeen by the time I finish this post. So why is this so pivotal for me? After all, it's just seventeen. There's nothing special about this birthday, right? WRONG! It's the first full day of me being a senior. It's the first day of summer vacation. Happy day, right? Well...maybe. There's a whole lot of conflicting emotions and thoughts and feelings inside of me right now. I'm not real sure of anything right now. My thoughts are so jumbled. I have no clue how this post is going to go. There's so much I want to say, to talk about. I just don't know exactly what everything is. Confused? Don't worry. Me too. So, this could be really short. Or really long. Probably long.
So. I guess I'll start with this: Why is there all this jumbleness inside of me? Well, this past year has just been amazing. Yes, it was my junior year. Therefore, there's been crazy amounts of stress. I've gone through some huge trials. But I've also grown so much. I've met some great people, became reacquainted with old friends, and strengthened friendships. My testimony has grown so much. My relationship with my Savior has changed and become more personal. I have begun to make certain changes within me - A slow, and often times very difficult process. I don't really want to say goodbye to it. For the first time ever, I think I want to replay a year of school. Since the moment I hit junior high, I was so excited for graduation. I had senioritis as a wee sophomore. But now, I'm dreading every change. Heck, I'm dreading not going to school tomorrow. There'll be no choir, no seminary. The two highlights of my day! Especially seminary! I don't know what I'll do without that class. Bro. Tilley was amazing, and there were the most fabulous people in there. I always have a hard time keeping on track during the summer. I don't read my scriptures as often. I get super lazy. I don't keep commitments I make for myself. I just don't seem to have motivation for anything. I kind of just want everything to stay the same. To have the same people in my life. To just continue growing in the way that I have. Except there's this little thing called change. I've been telling myself for the past week that change is good. I know it is. I know I'm supposed to welcome it. But I feel like fighting it every step of the way. But, without change, greater growth, and greater progress cannot be made. I'm still trying to accept that. I probably won't until the first day of school as a senior.
I kind of want to leave something with my ex-senior friends. My newly graduated buddies. If they want it. I actually don't know how many of them read this...but, meh. So what I want to say is...stay true to who you are. And you are children of God. Probably the most precious knowledge I possess is this: We are all children of God. Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father - and Mother! - love us very much. Cling to that knowledge. It can get you through anything. Keep a hold of your faith. Stay a rock. Stay a light. Be a beacon to a world full of darkness. Be yourself. If you're going to change, make sure it's for the better. Make sure it's by taking away your weaknesses and your faults. Good luck in life. Make an impact on the world.
Don't worry fellow high schoolers. I have something for you also. And something else for the graduates. Today my friend Tessa played a song for me. I don't know what this song is, but the chorus stuck out to me. I liked it a lot. It says "We are young. We are strong. We're not looking for where we belong. We're not cool. We are free." Remember the whole rising generation thing? (I still haven't gotten over it. It's like one of my favorite things ever to talk about and learn about.) This is who we are. We are young. All of us are teenagers. We are strong. Despite our young age, many of us have great conviction and great faith. We become strong through this. We have the ability to change the world. We're not looking for where we belong. We aren't looking. We already know. Our place is beside God, fighting on His side in this war against Satan. We need to look no further, because we have our place among the saints of the Church. We are united with them. We have our place. We're not cool. Ok, some of us are pretty dang cool. But, I'm sorry to say, not all of us are. I wouldn't consider myself one of the "cool kids." But we don't have to be in order to make a difference. We are secure in who we are. We don't need to be cool. I am willing to take whatever nerdy or geeky title you place upon me. Because, yes. I'm a Choir nerd. Yes, I got straight A's. (I'm not trying to brag, I promise. They just make me very, very happy.) That probably makes me a little geeky. but whatever. Because I know who I am. And last, we are free. We have this thing called agency. We have the ability to choose the choices we make. Yes, we have commandments. But the commandments are like the string of our kite of life. If that string is cut, we won't fly higher. We'll crash and burn. But with those commandments, we'll be able to fly higher and higher. It's disobeying the commandments and following Satan that brings us down into captivity. So, as the rising generation, we should take these things to heart. In doing this, we will change the world. We'll make it a happy place, a good place to be.
Next, I'm going to bring it to the graduation. The choir got to perform "Battle Hymn of the Republic" with the band and orchestra. Let me tell you. Life. Changing. It was so incredibly amazing. It made me cry. Which I guess isn't surprising. But we can pretend it is. But there's two reasons I was crying. One: It was the very last song Mrs. Jones will ever conduct for me, or anyone in Mesa High choir. That has to do with the change thing. I don't really want to let Mrs. Jones go, even though I need to. After all, I know her choice to leave was inspired by Heavenly Father. She's leaving to go help young girls. To help change lives. I guess I'm being selfish in my desire to have her stay. Change needs to happen. Two: I felt the spirit so strong. I would not doubt that we were not alone in performing that song. I wouldn't be surprised if there were angels playing with the band and orchestra and singing with the choir. The spirit testified to me so strongly during that song. "His truth is marching on. Glory, glory hallelujah! Glory, glory hallelujah! Glory, glory hallelujah! His truth is marching on. Amen!" Guess what, guys! The Gospel? It's marching on. No matter where you go, the Church is true. And that truth will be proclaimed through out the whole world. And how joyous that is! I definitely would be singing hallelujah! So, just remember that the Gospel is true. It will always be. Where ever you go. And that truth, His truth, is marching on.
Last, but not least, I love you guys. Each of you will accomplish something great within the next year, whether you're going to college or another year of high school. Or you're a stay at home mom, or what ever you guys do that read this! I know I've said this before. But I see such greatness in all the youth around me. There's no one else that I would rather trust to be born to this world to live in these troubled times, then the people I'm around every day. You guys are wonderful. I'm glad to know you. I'm glad to be able to fight Satan with you by my side. As me and Lanelle like to tell each other, "Fight it! Beat it! Kick it in the face!" Take down every obstacle in your way. Let it strengthen you. Be strong and of good courage! Because God's on our side. We can't lose!
So. I guess I'll start with this: Why is there all this jumbleness inside of me? Well, this past year has just been amazing. Yes, it was my junior year. Therefore, there's been crazy amounts of stress. I've gone through some huge trials. But I've also grown so much. I've met some great people, became reacquainted with old friends, and strengthened friendships. My testimony has grown so much. My relationship with my Savior has changed and become more personal. I have begun to make certain changes within me - A slow, and often times very difficult process. I don't really want to say goodbye to it. For the first time ever, I think I want to replay a year of school. Since the moment I hit junior high, I was so excited for graduation. I had senioritis as a wee sophomore. But now, I'm dreading every change. Heck, I'm dreading not going to school tomorrow. There'll be no choir, no seminary. The two highlights of my day! Especially seminary! I don't know what I'll do without that class. Bro. Tilley was amazing, and there were the most fabulous people in there. I always have a hard time keeping on track during the summer. I don't read my scriptures as often. I get super lazy. I don't keep commitments I make for myself. I just don't seem to have motivation for anything. I kind of just want everything to stay the same. To have the same people in my life. To just continue growing in the way that I have. Except there's this little thing called change. I've been telling myself for the past week that change is good. I know it is. I know I'm supposed to welcome it. But I feel like fighting it every step of the way. But, without change, greater growth, and greater progress cannot be made. I'm still trying to accept that. I probably won't until the first day of school as a senior.
I kind of want to leave something with my ex-senior friends. My newly graduated buddies. If they want it. I actually don't know how many of them read this...but, meh. So what I want to say is...stay true to who you are. And you are children of God. Probably the most precious knowledge I possess is this: We are all children of God. Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father - and Mother! - love us very much. Cling to that knowledge. It can get you through anything. Keep a hold of your faith. Stay a rock. Stay a light. Be a beacon to a world full of darkness. Be yourself. If you're going to change, make sure it's for the better. Make sure it's by taking away your weaknesses and your faults. Good luck in life. Make an impact on the world.
Don't worry fellow high schoolers. I have something for you also. And something else for the graduates. Today my friend Tessa played a song for me. I don't know what this song is, but the chorus stuck out to me. I liked it a lot. It says "We are young. We are strong. We're not looking for where we belong. We're not cool. We are free." Remember the whole rising generation thing? (I still haven't gotten over it. It's like one of my favorite things ever to talk about and learn about.) This is who we are. We are young. All of us are teenagers. We are strong. Despite our young age, many of us have great conviction and great faith. We become strong through this. We have the ability to change the world. We're not looking for where we belong. We aren't looking. We already know. Our place is beside God, fighting on His side in this war against Satan. We need to look no further, because we have our place among the saints of the Church. We are united with them. We have our place. We're not cool. Ok, some of us are pretty dang cool. But, I'm sorry to say, not all of us are. I wouldn't consider myself one of the "cool kids." But we don't have to be in order to make a difference. We are secure in who we are. We don't need to be cool. I am willing to take whatever nerdy or geeky title you place upon me. Because, yes. I'm a Choir nerd. Yes, I got straight A's. (I'm not trying to brag, I promise. They just make me very, very happy.) That probably makes me a little geeky. but whatever. Because I know who I am. And last, we are free. We have this thing called agency. We have the ability to choose the choices we make. Yes, we have commandments. But the commandments are like the string of our kite of life. If that string is cut, we won't fly higher. We'll crash and burn. But with those commandments, we'll be able to fly higher and higher. It's disobeying the commandments and following Satan that brings us down into captivity. So, as the rising generation, we should take these things to heart. In doing this, we will change the world. We'll make it a happy place, a good place to be.
Next, I'm going to bring it to the graduation. The choir got to perform "Battle Hymn of the Republic" with the band and orchestra. Let me tell you. Life. Changing. It was so incredibly amazing. It made me cry. Which I guess isn't surprising. But we can pretend it is. But there's two reasons I was crying. One: It was the very last song Mrs. Jones will ever conduct for me, or anyone in Mesa High choir. That has to do with the change thing. I don't really want to let Mrs. Jones go, even though I need to. After all, I know her choice to leave was inspired by Heavenly Father. She's leaving to go help young girls. To help change lives. I guess I'm being selfish in my desire to have her stay. Change needs to happen. Two: I felt the spirit so strong. I would not doubt that we were not alone in performing that song. I wouldn't be surprised if there were angels playing with the band and orchestra and singing with the choir. The spirit testified to me so strongly during that song. "His truth is marching on. Glory, glory hallelujah! Glory, glory hallelujah! Glory, glory hallelujah! His truth is marching on. Amen!" Guess what, guys! The Gospel? It's marching on. No matter where you go, the Church is true. And that truth will be proclaimed through out the whole world. And how joyous that is! I definitely would be singing hallelujah! So, just remember that the Gospel is true. It will always be. Where ever you go. And that truth, His truth, is marching on.
Last, but not least, I love you guys. Each of you will accomplish something great within the next year, whether you're going to college or another year of high school. Or you're a stay at home mom, or what ever you guys do that read this! I know I've said this before. But I see such greatness in all the youth around me. There's no one else that I would rather trust to be born to this world to live in these troubled times, then the people I'm around every day. You guys are wonderful. I'm glad to know you. I'm glad to be able to fight Satan with you by my side. As me and Lanelle like to tell each other, "Fight it! Beat it! Kick it in the face!" Take down every obstacle in your way. Let it strengthen you. Be strong and of good courage! Because God's on our side. We can't lose!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Untitled...for the moment.
Alright so this is Alyssa Hundley and Beth asked me to write a few thoughts here on her magnificent blog. It’s not going to be as well-written, and it might not make any sense at all, but hopefully my crazy thoughts will be understandable…
Today I had the amazing experience of seeing the dedication of the Gila Valley Temple. I had been to one before, but I was too young to even realize what was going on. However, I was in the first session and I was touched so much by President Monson. What an amazing man! As I watched him put in the cornerstone I loved how enthusiastic he was and his sense of humor truly made me so very happy. It really got me though when he was asking little children one by one to come to him and help take part in it. I’ll admit, I was a tad envious, but at the same time, extremely happy for them. Who wouldn’t want to simply be in the Prophet’s presence, let alone meet him AND have him help you as you put the cornerstone into a house of the Lord? Have you ever heard of a cooler testimony building experience? I know I haven’t. I love President Monson.
I know this is a totally different topic now, but I’d like to share a few thoughts I have on the Book of Mormon. We have been studying it in seminary this year, and I never before truly realized what an impact it can have on a person’s life. Simply reading these scriptures is not enough, one must have a desire to learn, and then go search, ponder, and pray to find the answer. Fifteen years too late, I realized this and started applying it to my own life, and I tell you, it has made all the difference in the world. My eyes were opened to changes that I needed to make, and then I did make those changes, and now, I am the happiest person in the world. When I’m making good choices, and doing the small, simple primary things like reading scriptures and praying, I feel like a newly born person, all clean and pure.
Just to finish, I want to share the scripture that has impacted my life the most this year.
“For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticing s of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.”
I had a personal goal this year to “put off the natural man” and believe me, it was hard. The natural man wants you to judge others, to go to that party, to gossip about that girl, to do it because everyone else is, to watch that one movie, and to put the spirit on hold while you go do whatever is pleasurable. I know that all these temptations may seem wonderful on the surface, but in reality, that’s not what’s going to get you back to Heavenly Father again. I know that by putting off the natural man and staying close to Christ you will be happy and you will be in tune with the spirit always.
Thank you Beth for letting me write on your blog. You are an amazing person, I love you, and please keep up the good work :)
Today I had the amazing experience of seeing the dedication of the Gila Valley Temple. I had been to one before, but I was too young to even realize what was going on. However, I was in the first session and I was touched so much by President Monson. What an amazing man! As I watched him put in the cornerstone I loved how enthusiastic he was and his sense of humor truly made me so very happy. It really got me though when he was asking little children one by one to come to him and help take part in it. I’ll admit, I was a tad envious, but at the same time, extremely happy for them. Who wouldn’t want to simply be in the Prophet’s presence, let alone meet him AND have him help you as you put the cornerstone into a house of the Lord? Have you ever heard of a cooler testimony building experience? I know I haven’t. I love President Monson.
I know this is a totally different topic now, but I’d like to share a few thoughts I have on the Book of Mormon. We have been studying it in seminary this year, and I never before truly realized what an impact it can have on a person’s life. Simply reading these scriptures is not enough, one must have a desire to learn, and then go search, ponder, and pray to find the answer. Fifteen years too late, I realized this and started applying it to my own life, and I tell you, it has made all the difference in the world. My eyes were opened to changes that I needed to make, and then I did make those changes, and now, I am the happiest person in the world. When I’m making good choices, and doing the small, simple primary things like reading scriptures and praying, I feel like a newly born person, all clean and pure.
Just to finish, I want to share the scripture that has impacted my life the most this year.
“For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticing s of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.”
I had a personal goal this year to “put off the natural man” and believe me, it was hard. The natural man wants you to judge others, to go to that party, to gossip about that girl, to do it because everyone else is, to watch that one movie, and to put the spirit on hold while you go do whatever is pleasurable. I know that all these temptations may seem wonderful on the surface, but in reality, that’s not what’s going to get you back to Heavenly Father again. I know that by putting off the natural man and staying close to Christ you will be happy and you will be in tune with the spirit always.
Thank you Beth for letting me write on your blog. You are an amazing person, I love you, and please keep up the good work :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Smile :)
"Smile though your heart is aching,
Smile even though it's breaking,
When there are clouds in the sky-
You'll get by,
If you smile through your fear and sorrow,
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through-
For you.
Light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness,
Although a tear may be ever so near,
That's the time you must keep on trying,
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile,
If you just smile."
Smile by Charlie Chaplain
This morning, the young women in my ward did baptisms for the dead. And you know what I was feeling? Happy. Like, ridiculously happy. Like, so happy, that when I went to school and had to take a math test during A hour, I still had this big, silly grin on my face. So happy that when I went to first hour, and found the lyrics to a song that I probably haven't heard since I was six, I was ecstatic, and probably driving the people around me crazy. Even the news of Mrs. Jones leaving Mesa High didn't keep me down - and that was some pretty upsetting news for me. Why was I feeling so ridiculously happy? Well, let me share with you a scripture I found during my scripture study today.
"My son, be faithful in Christ; and may not the things which I have written grieve thee, to weigh thee down unto death; but may Christ life thee up" Moroni 9:25.
So. What was I doing in the temple? Performing service for the dead, giving them the opportunity to be baptized, if they so choose. What does that one scripture mastery say about service? That doing service to people is the same as serving Heavenly Father and Christ, right? So by doing baptisms for the dead, I was doing service to Heavenly Father and Christ. Which was building my relationship with them. And because of that, Christ was able to lift me up.
Why am I sharing this with you? Well, here's a story for you. In English, we have a project where we're supposed to make a soundtrack of our life, and like a common theme throughout it. I was thinking of what I could do for it. I thought of something my mom told me a few months ago. It was probably a few weeks after we had taken family pictures. I was just getting over a rough patch in my life, and, sort of, rediscovered my happiness. And so my mom was talking about family stuff, and the pictures came up. She told me she liked my smile in the pictures. She then went on and said, "You're my happy child." So, I was inspired. I'd do sort of a happiness theme. So I was thinking of songs to choose. And the song "Smile" popped into my head.
Why is this so important to me? Because "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy." We are sent here to find happiness, to find joy. Christ wants us to be happy. Sure, we'll have bumps along the way. We'll have trials and hardships. But never let that get you down! Be happy! If you don't feel happy, smile anyway. Because you'll eventually feel that happiness. It's always worth it to be happy. If you're sad or upset, do your best to get happy instead. Be lifted up in Christ. Doesn't your best friend have the ability to make you smile and laugh no matter what? So make Christ your best friend. He'll never let you down, and He'll always find the best ways to make you smile. Like having an open-book math test. Or not having to take the speaking test in Spanish. Trust in the Lord. He'll make your day, I promise you. It's hard to not be happy when you have the Savior on your side. Because He gives you hope. And hope gives you joy and happiness.
So, moral of the story: smile. Be happy. "Be happy sings the little bird, on boughs beneath the blue. Be happy, happy all day long, and others will be too." Despite any trials or hardships you have, there is always a reason to smile.
Smile even though it's breaking,
When there are clouds in the sky-
You'll get by,
If you smile through your fear and sorrow,
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through-
For you.
Light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness,
Although a tear may be ever so near,
That's the time you must keep on trying,
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile,
If you just smile."
Smile by Charlie Chaplain
This morning, the young women in my ward did baptisms for the dead. And you know what I was feeling? Happy. Like, ridiculously happy. Like, so happy, that when I went to school and had to take a math test during A hour, I still had this big, silly grin on my face. So happy that when I went to first hour, and found the lyrics to a song that I probably haven't heard since I was six, I was ecstatic, and probably driving the people around me crazy. Even the news of Mrs. Jones leaving Mesa High didn't keep me down - and that was some pretty upsetting news for me. Why was I feeling so ridiculously happy? Well, let me share with you a scripture I found during my scripture study today.
"My son, be faithful in Christ; and may not the things which I have written grieve thee, to weigh thee down unto death; but may Christ life thee up" Moroni 9:25.
So. What was I doing in the temple? Performing service for the dead, giving them the opportunity to be baptized, if they so choose. What does that one scripture mastery say about service? That doing service to people is the same as serving Heavenly Father and Christ, right? So by doing baptisms for the dead, I was doing service to Heavenly Father and Christ. Which was building my relationship with them. And because of that, Christ was able to lift me up.
Why am I sharing this with you? Well, here's a story for you. In English, we have a project where we're supposed to make a soundtrack of our life, and like a common theme throughout it. I was thinking of what I could do for it. I thought of something my mom told me a few months ago. It was probably a few weeks after we had taken family pictures. I was just getting over a rough patch in my life, and, sort of, rediscovered my happiness. And so my mom was talking about family stuff, and the pictures came up. She told me she liked my smile in the pictures. She then went on and said, "You're my happy child." So, I was inspired. I'd do sort of a happiness theme. So I was thinking of songs to choose. And the song "Smile" popped into my head.
Why is this so important to me? Because "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy." We are sent here to find happiness, to find joy. Christ wants us to be happy. Sure, we'll have bumps along the way. We'll have trials and hardships. But never let that get you down! Be happy! If you don't feel happy, smile anyway. Because you'll eventually feel that happiness. It's always worth it to be happy. If you're sad or upset, do your best to get happy instead. Be lifted up in Christ. Doesn't your best friend have the ability to make you smile and laugh no matter what? So make Christ your best friend. He'll never let you down, and He'll always find the best ways to make you smile. Like having an open-book math test. Or not having to take the speaking test in Spanish. Trust in the Lord. He'll make your day, I promise you. It's hard to not be happy when you have the Savior on your side. Because He gives you hope. And hope gives you joy and happiness.
So, moral of the story: smile. Be happy. "Be happy sings the little bird, on boughs beneath the blue. Be happy, happy all day long, and others will be too." Despite any trials or hardships you have, there is always a reason to smile.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The temple is the place to be
Ok, so this is going to be super short. But today I had one of the most amazing experiences ever. I went to the Gila Valley Temple open house. And I can truly testify that it is a house of the Lord. I mean, just look at it!

How could something this beautiful not be? And, even when not dedicated, there was such and amazing peace and spirit there. I truly was filled today. Walking into that temple, especially the celestial room and the sealing room, I was just so full. Tears came to my eyes - and, when it comes to the spirit, I'm a crier, but only about certain things. And there was nothing to provoke these tears. Besides just being so full that there was nothing else to do.
Needless to say, there will be a day that I will being going through the temple. A day where I won't be rushed through and I'll have time to ponder and feel Heavenly Father's love and peace.
The temple is so amazing. Don't settle for anything less. Because the temple is the place to be!
How could something this beautiful not be? And, even when not dedicated, there was such and amazing peace and spirit there. I truly was filled today. Walking into that temple, especially the celestial room and the sealing room, I was just so full. Tears came to my eyes - and, when it comes to the spirit, I'm a crier, but only about certain things. And there was nothing to provoke these tears. Besides just being so full that there was nothing else to do.
Needless to say, there will be a day that I will being going through the temple. A day where I won't be rushed through and I'll have time to ponder and feel Heavenly Father's love and peace.
The temple is so amazing. Don't settle for anything less. Because the temple is the place to be!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Leaders of the world
A little over a month ago, I wrote a post about the rising generation. This is going to be similar. We, as the rising generation, have the responsibility to be examples. Sometimes that means a quiet example, just quietly doing what's right, gently showing others the truth and the way to live. And then there's the example that are the leaders. Not everyone is a leader. It is a definite talent and special ability. But it is a talent that is necessary. And a talent that Satan tries to twist for his own benefit, which just shows it's importance.
*I just kind of want to give a disclaimer. I feel very strongly about posting this at this time. But I'm having a little trouble. I still feel like I should continue, so I'm going to do my best. I'm just warning you, and I suggest that you keep a prayer in your heart at this time, so that my words will make it possible for the spirit to testify to you the things that are in my mind and heart at this time, and aren't coming out very well.
Satan is a great leader. He lead 1/3 of the hosts of heaven that chose their own path, instead of following the Father's plan. In fact, he continues to use his great leadership against us.
"Satan stirreth them up, that he may lead their soul to destruction." Doctrine and Covenants 10:22
How do we counter such great leadership that leads others to do evil instead of good? With the great leadership of the righteous.
"And it came to pass that they came many times against us, the Nephites, to battle. But our kings and our leaders were mighty men in the faith of the Lord and they taught the people of the ways of the Lord; wherefore, we withstood the Lamanites and swept them away our of our lands, and began to fortify our cities" Jarom 1:7.
We need leaders of great faith. To lead us against the adversary, to help us withstand the tempest and storms of life. To help us prepare and fortify ourselves against temptations. Without great leaders, I don't think we can survive this life. Because we need leaders like President Monson. Like our bishops. Like our young women leaders. Like our best friends. Bro. Tilley told my seminary class to check out this pretty sweet video. I'd like you to see it also. It definitely made an impression on me, which is what inspired this post. Rock Solid Leadership | Rock Solid Leadership Movie
I think my favorite quote is "We must lead for the benefit of others and not for the enrichment of ourselves." This life, though our goal is for our own eternal salvation, is not all about ourselves. We are to try to help those around us as much as possible. We are to love others. We are to serve them. We are to try to bring them to the truth and share the Gospel. We are to try to be leaders.
I hope this has helped the spirit testify the things to you that it testified to me. I really do love you guys. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Oh, and just to let you guys know, Alyssa Hundley will be making a post soon. She said Sunday. I'm going to try to ask others to post, also. If you have a desire to do something on here, let me know. And I may be asking you...I have a list of people I want to ask in my head. So yeah. Thanks again!
*I just kind of want to give a disclaimer. I feel very strongly about posting this at this time. But I'm having a little trouble. I still feel like I should continue, so I'm going to do my best. I'm just warning you, and I suggest that you keep a prayer in your heart at this time, so that my words will make it possible for the spirit to testify to you the things that are in my mind and heart at this time, and aren't coming out very well.
Satan is a great leader. He lead 1/3 of the hosts of heaven that chose their own path, instead of following the Father's plan. In fact, he continues to use his great leadership against us.
"Satan stirreth them up, that he may lead their soul to destruction." Doctrine and Covenants 10:22
How do we counter such great leadership that leads others to do evil instead of good? With the great leadership of the righteous.
"And it came to pass that they came many times against us, the Nephites, to battle. But our kings and our leaders were mighty men in the faith of the Lord and they taught the people of the ways of the Lord; wherefore, we withstood the Lamanites and swept them away our of our lands, and began to fortify our cities" Jarom 1:7.
We need leaders of great faith. To lead us against the adversary, to help us withstand the tempest and storms of life. To help us prepare and fortify ourselves against temptations. Without great leaders, I don't think we can survive this life. Because we need leaders like President Monson. Like our bishops. Like our young women leaders. Like our best friends. Bro. Tilley told my seminary class to check out this pretty sweet video. I'd like you to see it also. It definitely made an impression on me, which is what inspired this post. Rock Solid Leadership | Rock Solid Leadership Movie
I think my favorite quote is "We must lead for the benefit of others and not for the enrichment of ourselves." This life, though our goal is for our own eternal salvation, is not all about ourselves. We are to try to help those around us as much as possible. We are to love others. We are to serve them. We are to try to bring them to the truth and share the Gospel. We are to try to be leaders.
I hope this has helped the spirit testify the things to you that it testified to me. I really do love you guys. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Oh, and just to let you guys know, Alyssa Hundley will be making a post soon. She said Sunday. I'm going to try to ask others to post, also. If you have a desire to do something on here, let me know. And I may be asking you...I have a list of people I want to ask in my head. So yeah. Thanks again!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Mother's Day :)
"I often go walking in meadows of clover, and I gather armfuls of blossoms of blue. I gather the blossoms the whole meadow over; dear Mother, all flowers remind me of you. O Mother, I give you my love with each flower, to give forth sweet fragrance a whole lifetime through; for if I love blossoms and meadows and walking, I learn how to love them, dear Mother, from you." I Often Go Walking, from the Children's Songbook
Well, Mom, I'm sorry I don't have a poem for you, like you requested. But I promise, I tried. So I figured, the next best thing would be to write your favorite Mother's Day song out for you. Yes? No? Well, don't worry. That's not my gift. My gift to you this Mother's Day, is this post. Because I think mother's are important. They are essential to the Plan. So, it's not the most original gift. It's not the most fabulous gift. But it's a gift that I can give purely from the heart. You see Mom, you seem to have everything you need and want. What could I give you? Flowers? Nope, Jess got to that first. Chocolate? No, I'd probably end up eating it all before it got to you. But what about something that would last? Words that I don't normally say, though I probably should. Because, Mom, I love you. More than I could ever express. But, I'm gonna try. Or at least share some of it.
First, I'm going to share part of MY favorite Mother's Day song. "Mother, I love you. Mother, I do. Father in Heaven has sent me to you." You Mom, to you. Do you know what that means to me? It means a lot. The thought of going somewhere else actually kind of scares me a lot. But to know that the Lord saw it fit for me to be sent to you, to be your daughter, is so special to me. Also, the thought that, having given birth to 8 children before me, you were still willing to have me and to deal with having a 9th child growing up and running around a much too small house. Maybe because of me, you were a stay-at-home-mom 5 years longer than you would have. Maybe you would have become a teacher sooner. Maybe you would be getting ready to go on a mission with Dad right now. Who knows. But you were willing to have me.
Mom, you should know how much of a strength you have been to me. You have always been a great example, a great teacher. There's a reason why you've been a Sunday School teacher for forever. There's a reason why you were inspired to be an elementary school teacher. Because you do it so well. I've come to the point that I can't rely on your testimony, your knowledge. Both in the spiritual and temporal aspect of my life. It kind of puts a lot of pressure on me. But, I feel prepared, because you have been such a great teacher. I have learned the things that I need to. I have learned, so very clearly, what's right and what's wrong from you. Your testimony has been a rock in my life. Also, you've always been one I could go to. Even in like 2nd grade and my only worry was that my friends and I got in a fight over what to play for recess, and I didn't know what to do, I could always go to you and ask your advice. You've always had a listening ear. And you put up with a lot from me. You put up with my stress and the not so great side affects that come with it. You put up with my crankiness, my mood swings, my complaints, everything. And you still somehow manage to love me. I know I'm pretty tough to live with. I've got an attitude a lot and can be a bit bratty. But I appreciate the things that you do for me, regardless of the things I do and say.
There is so, so much more I could say to you Mom. But I just want you to know, that I love you. A lot. Thank you for being such a great mom. Happy Mother's Day. You definitely deserve it.
I also want to talk about someone else. Someone not many of us know a whole lot about. Actually, I don't if anyone knows much about Her. But, as it's Mother's Day (no, it really is. It's actually past midnight now...) I figure I should mention Her. Our Heavenly Mother. I've never really thought a whole lot about Her. Of course, I have occasionally for a few moments. But, these past few weeks, when I've been feeling so greatly blessed, I've been thinking. It's a little unnecessary, maybe. But it's just been one of those things that pop into your head, and you get curious about. I've been wondering how many blessings are inspired by our Heavenly Mother. Of course, they actually come from Heavenly Father, because He's the one with the priesthood. But surely, just as in any good relationship, Heavenly Mother is helping and advising our Father. And it just kind of made me think how, I think we kind of just push Her away, unknowingly. I mean, yes, we don't know a whole lot about Her. But we do know that She exists. So why do we kind of just brush that fact aside? Shouldn't we be thanking Her too? I don't know. Maybe I'm just crazy and over analyzing things. But, I want to take this time to also thank my Heavenly Mother for all that she's done. I really don't know what She has done...but surely She's done things for me. So, Heavenly Mother, thank you. And happy Mother's Day. I can't wait for the day when we will meet again. I don't know if it's possible for me to have a relationship with you like I can with Heavenly Father. But I know that you love me. I love you too. Thank you. I hope you have a good Mother's Day, and that Heavenly Father does something special for you. :)
So, happy Mother's Day, all. Go talk to your mothers and let them know how special they are. And once again, I love you Mom. Thanks for everything you have ever done for me.
Well, Mom, I'm sorry I don't have a poem for you, like you requested. But I promise, I tried. So I figured, the next best thing would be to write your favorite Mother's Day song out for you. Yes? No? Well, don't worry. That's not my gift. My gift to you this Mother's Day, is this post. Because I think mother's are important. They are essential to the Plan. So, it's not the most original gift. It's not the most fabulous gift. But it's a gift that I can give purely from the heart. You see Mom, you seem to have everything you need and want. What could I give you? Flowers? Nope, Jess got to that first. Chocolate? No, I'd probably end up eating it all before it got to you. But what about something that would last? Words that I don't normally say, though I probably should. Because, Mom, I love you. More than I could ever express. But, I'm gonna try. Or at least share some of it.
First, I'm going to share part of MY favorite Mother's Day song. "Mother, I love you. Mother, I do. Father in Heaven has sent me to you." You Mom, to you. Do you know what that means to me? It means a lot. The thought of going somewhere else actually kind of scares me a lot. But to know that the Lord saw it fit for me to be sent to you, to be your daughter, is so special to me. Also, the thought that, having given birth to 8 children before me, you were still willing to have me and to deal with having a 9th child growing up and running around a much too small house. Maybe because of me, you were a stay-at-home-mom 5 years longer than you would have. Maybe you would have become a teacher sooner. Maybe you would be getting ready to go on a mission with Dad right now. Who knows. But you were willing to have me.
Mom, you should know how much of a strength you have been to me. You have always been a great example, a great teacher. There's a reason why you've been a Sunday School teacher for forever. There's a reason why you were inspired to be an elementary school teacher. Because you do it so well. I've come to the point that I can't rely on your testimony, your knowledge. Both in the spiritual and temporal aspect of my life. It kind of puts a lot of pressure on me. But, I feel prepared, because you have been such a great teacher. I have learned the things that I need to. I have learned, so very clearly, what's right and what's wrong from you. Your testimony has been a rock in my life. Also, you've always been one I could go to. Even in like 2nd grade and my only worry was that my friends and I got in a fight over what to play for recess, and I didn't know what to do, I could always go to you and ask your advice. You've always had a listening ear. And you put up with a lot from me. You put up with my stress and the not so great side affects that come with it. You put up with my crankiness, my mood swings, my complaints, everything. And you still somehow manage to love me. I know I'm pretty tough to live with. I've got an attitude a lot and can be a bit bratty. But I appreciate the things that you do for me, regardless of the things I do and say.
There is so, so much more I could say to you Mom. But I just want you to know, that I love you. A lot. Thank you for being such a great mom. Happy Mother's Day. You definitely deserve it.
I also want to talk about someone else. Someone not many of us know a whole lot about. Actually, I don't if anyone knows much about Her. But, as it's Mother's Day (no, it really is. It's actually past midnight now...) I figure I should mention Her. Our Heavenly Mother. I've never really thought a whole lot about Her. Of course, I have occasionally for a few moments. But, these past few weeks, when I've been feeling so greatly blessed, I've been thinking. It's a little unnecessary, maybe. But it's just been one of those things that pop into your head, and you get curious about. I've been wondering how many blessings are inspired by our Heavenly Mother. Of course, they actually come from Heavenly Father, because He's the one with the priesthood. But surely, just as in any good relationship, Heavenly Mother is helping and advising our Father. And it just kind of made me think how, I think we kind of just push Her away, unknowingly. I mean, yes, we don't know a whole lot about Her. But we do know that She exists. So why do we kind of just brush that fact aside? Shouldn't we be thanking Her too? I don't know. Maybe I'm just crazy and over analyzing things. But, I want to take this time to also thank my Heavenly Mother for all that she's done. I really don't know what She has done...but surely She's done things for me. So, Heavenly Mother, thank you. And happy Mother's Day. I can't wait for the day when we will meet again. I don't know if it's possible for me to have a relationship with you like I can with Heavenly Father. But I know that you love me. I love you too. Thank you. I hope you have a good Mother's Day, and that Heavenly Father does something special for you. :)
So, happy Mother's Day, all. Go talk to your mothers and let them know how special they are. And once again, I love you Mom. Thanks for everything you have ever done for me.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
The tender mercies of the Lord
"But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith" 1 Nephi 1:20.
I've just been having these wonderful experiences. I don't know if it's because I've been making slight changes to the way I've been doing some things, or if my eyes have just been opened more. Or both. But I've been noticing the Lord's hand in my life a lot more than I ever have before. Maybe part of it is because I've started writing in my journal everyday. Some one in my seminary class had said that by writing in your journal, you would notice the Lord in your life more. At first, I was a little skeptical. How would writing in my journal do that? I already knew that the Lord had a hand in my life and that it was Him giving me blessings and stuff. But it is so true. It's just been two weeks since I've started writing in my journal every night - and I even slacked a couple days last week - but as I've started to write in my journal, this week in particular, I've noticed Him guiding my life so much more. I've noticed His blessings and His tender mercies. So I know that by writing in your journal, you will notice the Lord in your life more.
There's two experiences that I had this week that I would like to share. Both happened on Wednesday. The first happened during the school day. Wednesday was a different schedule at school because junior got to take the ACT. So when I had seminary, Bro. Tilley wasn't there because he had to go to class at ASU. So we went to Bro. Franzen's class. We ended up writing letters to the kids he teaches at Brimhall. He had them write questions about one of the scripture masteries. And these weren't questions like, "what is faith?" These were like hardcore questions that any troubled teen would have. My question, well I guess it wasn't exactly a question, more like a statement, was, "My friends are happy, but they don't listen to their parents or the church" in response to Alma 41:10. It's the "wickedness never was happiness" one. When I first got it, I just like like, "What the heck? I have no clue how to answer this!" But then, I thought of a lesson in seminary just about a week earlier. It was perfect! So I started writing about that. Then I thought of an experience that I just had. It wasn't a very good experience...it was one of those learning experiences that you try not to have. But it fit perfectly with my explanation. It just opened my eyes that the Lord knows what is going on. He has control. I just picked a question out of a pile. It was all chance - or so it seemed. But I had learned things in a lesson just days before that was perfect for it. The Lord was able to use the experience I had to this young person's benefit. I'm sure He wasn't pleased that I had experienced it, but He was able to use it.
The second one is kind of my favorite. Is that weird? To have a favorite experience? Oh well if it is. But Wednesday night, I was dead tired. This had happened the two nights before. It was tired as in I can barely keep my eyes open, so how the heck am I supposed to do my homework tired. I ended up not going to mutual, because we were playing volleyball. I didn't think I'd be able to do much. I decided I'd ask for a Father's blessing, because I didn't think I could handle four more weeks of extreme tiredness like that. And I could feel the stress of the last four weeks of school hitting me pretty hard. I figured I needed a Father's blessing. I told my dad why I wanted it. And then it turned out that only about half of the blessing was about what I had told my dad about. And the rest was about stuff my dad had no clue about. Stuff that was between me and the Lord. Questions that I had, things that I had been praying about. Exactly the things that I needed to hear. It was amazing. Because it truly was a Father's blessing. But not just from my dad. But also from my Heavenly Father.
So, moral of the story: the Lord is in control. He sends us tender mercies everyday. You don't believe me? test it out. Start looking for them. Write them in your journal. You'll start seeing them more and more evident in your life. Remember, the Lord loves you. I know He does. I have felt His love so strongly. So I would like to say that I, Beth, have shown unto you the tender mercies of the Lord. Look for them in your own life, and you will be amazed.
I've just been having these wonderful experiences. I don't know if it's because I've been making slight changes to the way I've been doing some things, or if my eyes have just been opened more. Or both. But I've been noticing the Lord's hand in my life a lot more than I ever have before. Maybe part of it is because I've started writing in my journal everyday. Some one in my seminary class had said that by writing in your journal, you would notice the Lord in your life more. At first, I was a little skeptical. How would writing in my journal do that? I already knew that the Lord had a hand in my life and that it was Him giving me blessings and stuff. But it is so true. It's just been two weeks since I've started writing in my journal every night - and I even slacked a couple days last week - but as I've started to write in my journal, this week in particular, I've noticed Him guiding my life so much more. I've noticed His blessings and His tender mercies. So I know that by writing in your journal, you will notice the Lord in your life more.
There's two experiences that I had this week that I would like to share. Both happened on Wednesday. The first happened during the school day. Wednesday was a different schedule at school because junior got to take the ACT. So when I had seminary, Bro. Tilley wasn't there because he had to go to class at ASU. So we went to Bro. Franzen's class. We ended up writing letters to the kids he teaches at Brimhall. He had them write questions about one of the scripture masteries. And these weren't questions like, "what is faith?" These were like hardcore questions that any troubled teen would have. My question, well I guess it wasn't exactly a question, more like a statement, was, "My friends are happy, but they don't listen to their parents or the church" in response to Alma 41:10. It's the "wickedness never was happiness" one. When I first got it, I just like like, "What the heck? I have no clue how to answer this!" But then, I thought of a lesson in seminary just about a week earlier. It was perfect! So I started writing about that. Then I thought of an experience that I just had. It wasn't a very good experience...it was one of those learning experiences that you try not to have. But it fit perfectly with my explanation. It just opened my eyes that the Lord knows what is going on. He has control. I just picked a question out of a pile. It was all chance - or so it seemed. But I had learned things in a lesson just days before that was perfect for it. The Lord was able to use the experience I had to this young person's benefit. I'm sure He wasn't pleased that I had experienced it, but He was able to use it.
The second one is kind of my favorite. Is that weird? To have a favorite experience? Oh well if it is. But Wednesday night, I was dead tired. This had happened the two nights before. It was tired as in I can barely keep my eyes open, so how the heck am I supposed to do my homework tired. I ended up not going to mutual, because we were playing volleyball. I didn't think I'd be able to do much. I decided I'd ask for a Father's blessing, because I didn't think I could handle four more weeks of extreme tiredness like that. And I could feel the stress of the last four weeks of school hitting me pretty hard. I figured I needed a Father's blessing. I told my dad why I wanted it. And then it turned out that only about half of the blessing was about what I had told my dad about. And the rest was about stuff my dad had no clue about. Stuff that was between me and the Lord. Questions that I had, things that I had been praying about. Exactly the things that I needed to hear. It was amazing. Because it truly was a Father's blessing. But not just from my dad. But also from my Heavenly Father.
So, moral of the story: the Lord is in control. He sends us tender mercies everyday. You don't believe me? test it out. Start looking for them. Write them in your journal. You'll start seeing them more and more evident in your life. Remember, the Lord loves you. I know He does. I have felt His love so strongly. So I would like to say that I, Beth, have shown unto you the tender mercies of the Lord. Look for them in your own life, and you will be amazed.
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